I was constantly tired, chronically constipated, and had to eat virtually every 1-2 hours or I would feel sick. Painful periods, always cold, waking up at 2, 3, 4 am every night, etc. She addressed all of those problems, not just weight loss and cravings. She wasn’t trying to get people to restrict themselves like with Keto, low FODMAP, paleo diets, etc. I don’t wake up at night. I’ve gotten off miralax and have stayed off for weeks. The clarity of my skin has improved. I feel more confident in myself because I know I won’t drop dead if I don’t have a snack every hour anymore"

- Connie C.

“I no longer feel like I'm in a constant brain fog and no longer focus on ONLY the scale. I feel more confident and less anxious about going out to restaurants with friends and family.”

- Melissa D.

"I used to be the type of person who was tired all the time- I would nap throughout the day and always complain even if I got 8+ hours of sleep. Now, I am consistently energized and am able to use food to fuel my body. I feel good all the time, which truthfully, I didn't even know was possible - I thought everyone was as tired as I was."

- Lauren B.

"Thanks to Megan, I'm starting to have a normal life! Steady energy, good sleep, good eating habits, regular and normal periods, better digestion, very few ups and downs... all of which helps me manage life's day-to-day trials and tribulations with more humor and resilience instead of over-reacting, or shutting down.

- Susie E.

From our clients...

"My diet was lacking a lot of nutrients and I also suffered from terrible digestion issues

Megan is extremely knowledgeable and shares her experience through a modern lens, encouraging individuals to shift their perception of dieting by getting clear on the fundamentals and listening to the body first. She works with you to create a specialized plan that’s specific to your body and offers natural adjustments based on progress.

Physically I'm more consistent with movement and lower recovery time between workouts, mentally more clear and focused, emotionally more stable and solid understanding of my cycle and how it impacts my mood/energy levels."

- Alex L (Nashville, TN)

"Working with Megan has made me a healthier person physically, mentally, and emotionally. Physically, I am consistently losing weight and using strength training to tone my body. I also have significantly more energy and encounter far fewer digestive issues. Mentally, I feel stronger and more secure in my appearance than I ever have in my life. When I look in the mirror, I feel proud and satisfied. I've always been passionate about fashion, and I find that I can pull off looks I didn't have the confidence to before. When I leave the house, I feel good about how I look. Emotionally, I'm just so happy and proud of myself. Every day I have a reason to feel good about myself because I know that I'm making the right decisions for my body. And on the days where I do feel stuck or disappointed, I have Megan's voice in my head reminding me that you can't be perfect 100% of the time. This is something I'm going to work on for the rest of my life, and I really do have Megan to thank for giving me the resources to be the healthiest version of myself, in all senses of the word."

- Ellie Baker (Arlington, VA)

"Before working with Megan I just felt a bit overwhelmed. I had made a number of healthy changes over the years, but then felt like I hit a wall and didn't quite know where to go from there. I have some thyroid issues and so it was important to me to live a lifestyle that was actually healthy for me, that nourished my body with nutrient-dense meals and gave me knowledge to make healthy lifestyle changes."

- April J. (Richmond, VA)

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